tisdag, december 8
torsdag, december 3
Brothers In Arms (Deep Water)

Speak to me, tell me all your secrets. Hidden in the water lie a thousand unfinished dreams and wishes, and to dive for them only takes a heartful of courage and a mouthful of oxygene.
Ten City - Nothing's Changed (Acroostic Version)
söndag, oktober 11
No Words Left But Whispering Thunder

torsdag, oktober 1
onsdag, september 23
Water From A Vine Leaf

"The dreamers, you know, they are the ones who are really awake!"
"Yes! Or, at least, so I've heard. I can't help but think about a funny thing though, something that happened to me on one of my journeys abroad, a long time ago. There was this funny looking man that I would run into every now and then, and you would always remember his looks, partly because he was always wearing this rust-coloured fur coat that was a bit over-sized. The most noticeable thing about him, however, was that he would never finish a sentence. At first, I didn't notice this, I would just assume that he was temporarily distracted. But at some point, It began to bother me, it became an irritating fact that I couldn't seem to shake off. In one of our conversations, that used to take place in the late evenings at a diner close to where I lived, by the way, I finally gathered enough confidence to ask him about this. When he started talking, I imagined that I could see that he was mostly relieved to meet somebody that he could share this with, to have that basis of trust with someone. He began speaking of this affair he had a few years ago with a woman, they met at a bar, in the afternoon while the sun was still shining outside. And the look of each other blinded them both, so that they soon stopped to take notice of the sun outside. When they left, it was pitch black, and they were helplessly in love. Outside, it had started to rain, and as he was standing really close to her, he looked at her cheeks that were both covered with tiny drops of dark water. They crossed an open field, this wasn't far from the countryside, you know, and then as they were running side by side, she suddenly stopped. -Why do you stop, he asked, feeling nervous about this sudden gesture that seemed so rash. -If you must ask this, I cannot go on. I must leave us here, in this state of affairs, and never come back. She ran off, further into the darkness, causing a wave of black leaves to take off in the dark night behind her. He watched the leaves as they slowly fell to the ground, making no sound whatsoever. From that night, he said, this condition of his had been constant. I had been listening with great interest, but it all seemed a bit fabricated, to tell the truth. He seemed to have been making it up as he went along, really. I'd like to think that he was just a dreamer, like you and me, caught up in a daily whirlpool of love, making it hard to think straight for all its turns and spins, ups and downs. Wouldn't you? Because when it all comes down, it's not so hard to understand."
Doug Kershaw - Willie's Shades
söndag, september 13
torsdag, augusti 27
Empty phrases sent to the Cranes
lördag, augusti 15
Daughter Of Light
torsdag, augusti 13
torsdag, juli 2
A Distant Memory (Notes From A Near Shore)

fredag, juni 5
Santa Cruz Mountains (My Heart Beats For You)

söndag, maj 17
Baleares (La Luna Segunda)

måndag, maj 11
Forgotten Lore, New Found Love

tisdag, maj 5
onsdag, april 29
Too Much Psyche
söndag, april 26
Old Town

I passed through the old latin quarters today, where smoke and dust made my eyes foggy and sweet noises kept ringing in my ears. I hope I will go there soon again, swirling down a whirlpool of old memories and forgotten tales, ancient mysteries of love and theft.
fredag, april 24
Late Night Thunder

onsdag, april 22
lördag, april 18
Hot Sun Melting Your Worries Away
fredag, april 10
tisdag, april 7
Days Spent Drifting On A Road

måndag, april 6
Secret Place
lördag, april 4
The Windtalker
torsdag, april 2
söndag, mars 22

If I could I would fly to Alabama and marry a waitress at a diner. We would go to church every Sunday and we would go shopping at a supermarket. At the parking lot, the windows on all cars would shine in the sun, and the air would smell of rubber and asphalt. The car would have fake leather seats that would stick to the clothes a little, and I would wear a press-button shirt. My American wife would drive a little faster than I'd dare, and we would always use our seatbelts. We wouldn't feel that we were at home all that often, we would always have different projects to run to. We would sleep in one bed, but just as often at a motel as in our own. We would both love to go to places where palm trees grow, and we would get butterflies in our stomaches whenever we went into town. Both of us would find it a bit uncomforting to step out of the car, but when we'd been sitting in the café just outside for a while, we would soon have forgotten all about it.
torsdag, mars 19
Full Moon Fever
onsdag, mars 18
Epic Days
torsdag, mars 12
No Holding Back, No Letting Go
lördag, mars 7
Keep Your Dreams

torsdag, mars 5
In The Forest

tisdag, februari 24
Spring Rain

söndag, februari 22
Get It
onsdag, februari 18
True Romance

tisdag, februari 17
onsdag, februari 11
Daniele Baldelli's Dream: Another Take